Hanwha AI

With MQTT protocol, video cameras and the Internet of Things (We) have a way to communicate to improve efficiency, Responses and planning, They assure from Hanwha Vision, to make cities smarter and safer.

When the MQTT protocol (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), More than two decades ago, Its creators may not have realized the breadth of applications for which it would become fundamental in all industries.. Currently, is the standard for sharing messages between connected devices, Also known as Internet of Things (We – Internet of Things).

This protocol provides the means for IoT sensors, including video surveillance cameras, communicate with each other in smart cities and buildings, as well as in different vertical markets, including retail, Healthcare and Manufacturing.

MQTT is ideal for this application, since it is a message transport protocol Very reliable and lightweight, with a Low bandwidth consumption and a small code footprint. Using what is called the 'publish-subscribe' method, queue, Share and transmit messages in an efficient way, especially advantageous for Connections between devices hosted in remote locations with limited network resources or bandwidth.

It is also based on Open Standards, so it offers the flexibility to work with a large number of devices, in a myriad of applications, as street lighting, access control, Traffic monitoring, Parking management and environmental quality.

Thanks to MQTT, Many network video cameras Hanwha Vision They work seamlessly with any number of other sensors that exist in a facility, So this video surveillance system can do much more than monitor security and have an impact on all types of businesses and urban operations..

Real-time actionable insights

The number of IoT devices increases exponentially. The current forecasts of market analysts such as Transform Insights indicate that the Connected devices will exceed 13.100 millions worldwide at the end of 2023. This will generate a lot of data, as well as opportunities to make organizations smarter, Efficient and personalized.

For example, when someone enters an empty building and whether MQTT is used as a means of communication between installed devices, Being an open protocol that works with a myriad of smart devices could trigger a series of actions, such as turning on smart lighting and a heating or air conditioning system to make the environment more pleasant for the occupant.

In the case of busier areas, The video analysis You could monitor occupancy levels and trigger alerts if more visitors arrive and exceed safety limits, activating systems that lead them to other waiting areas, or send more staff to a specific area, Etc.

Citywide, More sensors can be used to monitor the air quality of a city's streets. Using MQTT, This data can be connected to the live traffic data provided by security cameras and road sensors and redirect traffic to less traveled routes so that pollution is reduced to acceptable levels..

A reduction in air quality may not be due to a build-up of traffic, but to an emergency. In this case, Have a quick response, facilitated by IoT devices, could save lives. The Digital signage and public address systems They would alert citizens to stay away from the area for their safety.

The video and IoT devices are abundant sources of visual data, Environmental, audio, temperature and other types. Bringing them all together in a coherent and easy-to-understand interface makes it possible for decision-makers to make full use of all available knowledge..

The role of the artificial intelligence In these applications it is essential. Video cameras increasingly incorporate deep learning (deep learning) as well as basic video analytics. Having additional data obtained through IoT through MQTT communication is very valuable to create alerts, Trigger actions and deliver more contextual information, Deep and useful.

MQTT has reached the full range of AI cameras from Hanwha Vision and, with her, All the benefits and possibilities offered by this communications protocol.

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By • 8 Jun, 2023
• Section: Systems control, Detection, Studies, Urban security, Services, Video surveillance