This CIAS microwave barrier is ideal for outdoor use, as it adapts to any weather condition.


The Ermo 482X Pro microwave barrier 3.0 of CIAS protects high-risk perimeter areas (nuclear power plants, Prisons, military sites or petrochemical industries).

Bunker ProdexTec Cias Ermo 482X Pro 3.0It is equipped with a microprocessor for intelligent analysis of the data obtained, discriminating against false alarms. To accomplish this task, applies fuzzy logic algorithms (Fuzzy Logic, system created by CIAS), they establish with great precision if the signal is caused by a human intruder (studying behavioral models), or for another reason.

Its Wave Test software allows you to configure, control and paramerate smart barriers. Connecting to a computer locally or remotely, real-time signal waveforms and values are displayed (like the battery level, the signal received, the temperature...)

Ermo 482X Pro is also a microwave barrier model, distributed by ProdexTec, able to settle outdoors as it adapts to any weather condition. Performs constant temperature control to monitor if the operating limits of the appliance have been exceeded. Also check the temperature gradient (change in time of a certain value), to compensate for signal differences due to environmental changes.

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By • 12 Jun, 2019
• Section: Detection, Video surveillance