i-PRO AI ethics

With the aim of establishing a framework that helps maintain a balance between the rapid advancement of AI and ethical considerations, i-PRO It has formulated seven principles that govern its development.

According to the consulting firm Gartner, For 2026 Half of the world's governments will have regulations and policies in place to regulate the Responsible use of artificial intelligence and the obligation to preserve the Data Privacy.

While these guidelines are being developed, AI technology continues to evolve at full speed. Video surveillance solutions provider i-PRO stresses that ethical and responsible practices in the Use of this technology in the field of physical security are of crucial importance.

Aware of the impact of AI on society, This company stresses that it is extremely important to promote an environment of responsible and ethical use of this technology, To this end, it has formulated seven principles, with which it wants to establish a framework that helps maintain a balance between the advances of this technology and ethical considerations and social responsibility.

Improving the quality of life and fostering a safer and better protected society: i-PRO aims to generate lasting value by contributing to the safety and security of society through the continuous research and development of AI. To do this, is committed to continuously assessing human impact, of its products and services based on this technology in order to continue improving its technological offering..

Protect human rights and privacy: the protection of fundamental rights is at the forefront when developing and deploying AI solutions. Compliance with data protection and privacy principles governs all of the company's business processes, that enforces strict authorization and authentication protocols to protect sensitive data in its AI-powered applications. In addition, i-PRO is committed to providing its customers with integrated tools that allow them to remain compliant with this technology as they adapt.

Education & Training: as a driver of AI solution development, The company will continue to train its employees, Business Partners, customers and the industry at large about capacity, the potential and ethical implications of AI in the physical security environment.

Transparency and impartiality: i-PRO is also committed to respecting the principles of transparency and impartiality, Fostering diversity and equality to fight bias, discrimination and abusive practices that may result from the use of this technology. To achieve this, your AI models will undergo systematic and thorough testing to improve their reliability and mitigate risks.

"We are convinced that AI-based solutions can improve automation and information-driven decision-making, But we also believe that this should not preclude responsible use, compliance with ethical standards or the protection of privacy," said Masato Nakao, CEO of i-PRO-. The physical security industry will gradually embrace the power of AI, And our intention is to collaborate with the sector, as well as with our partners and customers, to foster a culture of responsible development and use".

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By • 9 Apr, 2024
• Section: Training, Business, Services