Since the first outbreaks of coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, this hybrid camera, with temperature measurement of +-0,3 degrees at a distance of 3 Meters, It is being used in airports, railway stations, Hospitals, Schools, shopping malls, Banks, business parks and at various locations across Asia.

Dahua Thermal Solution

Dahua Technology It is helping in the prevention and control of the coronavirus epidemic that is afflicting so many countries. And, it has, since the first outbreaks emerged in Asia.

Since sending its first batch of thermal cameras to the hardest-hit area, Wuhan, The 24 January, Dahua's thermal solution has been deployed in a large number of sites in China, including airports, railway stations, Hospitals, Schools, shopping malls, Banks, business parks and at various locations across Asia.

Also, A number of corporations are also using it in their headquarters and subsidiaries to improve workplace safety.

This tool measures employees' body temperature and handles thousands of staff flows every day. Compared to the traditional way of measuring body temperature, A forehead thermometer, using Dahua's thermal solution will improve speed and accuracy. And at the same time, Helps reduce cross-infection through non-contact measurement.

To measure the temperature of 5.000 People, would be needed 4,2 Hours, Using a Front Thermometer, as it takes about three seconds. With Dahua's solution, you can do in 30 minutes as it measures three people per second. It also features high ± accuracy 0,3 °C.

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By • 11 Sea, 2020
• Section: Detection