Panasonic Toughbook G2 and TMB

The technological collaboration of Panasonic Connect With Metropolitan Transport of Barcelona is based on the use of the FZ-G2 Touchbook tablet from this manufacturer, for traffic control and detection of violations in the city's bus lane.

In response to the growing need to address the challenge of regulating the use of bus lanes in Barcelona, Panasonic Connect Collaborate with TMB in the development and implementation of advanced technology, based on your rugged devices, As Toughbook FZ-G2.

This control system will make it possible to detect and sanction vehicles that violate traffic regulations on these exclusive roads, thus improving the efficiency and safety of public transport in the city.

Collaboration, which started last year with the support of Tradesegur, Mobility Assistance Solution Provider, has equipped a car with Panasonic Connect technology.

As part of an initial two-month trial, The new system has yielded very positive results, as Xavier Flores points out, CEO of TMB: "The incorporation of the photo control car improves road safety and reduces accidents, while strengthening compliance with traffic regulations in the city's bus lanes".

The system, operated by TMB staff, It uses an electric vehicle equipped with state-of-the-art cameras to detect violators in bus lanes, with Panasonic Connect Toughbook FZ-G2 tablet integration, that offers efficient management of detected violations, with an agile and precise process.

"We are proud to collaborate with TMB in the implementation of this innovative technology, which will contribute to improving urban mobility and road safety in Barcelona", underlines Isaac Feijoo, key account manager of Panasonic Computer Products Europe.

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By • 17 May, 2024
• Section: Case studies, Detection, Test equipment, Urban security, Services, Video surveillance