Tecnitran and ZKteco Armatura

This alliance positions Technitran as a Platinum installer in Spain of Armatura access control solutions for demanding environments, using biometric technologies, based on artificial intelligence and deep learning.

Tecnitrán Telecomunicaciones has signed an agreement with ZKTeco Iberia to distribute and install in Spain the Armatura access control solutions. In this way, becomes a Platinum installer for this product line.

“This agreement aligns with our vision to deliver the most advanced and reliable security solutions. Armatura's innovation will significantly enhance our portfolio, allowing us to better serve our customers in Spain. We are very happy to join forces with ZKTeco Iberia as a Platinum installer”, Explains Javier Romero, Managing Director of Tecnitrán.

Armatura Offers Access Control Solutions for Demanding Environments, using technologies based on artificial intelligence, Deep Learning and Biometric Technologies Advanced, as facial recognition. Their product line includes readers, Controllers & Access Control Software. In addition, Offers tailor-made solutions for companies with specific security requirements.

Armatura's access control systems incorporate strict cybersecurity protocols in all their components, Including software, hardware, Mobile Apps, Cloud Platforms & Biometric Technology.

These solutions are ideal in scenarios that require demanding access control, Safe & Fast, such as hospitals, Schools, Factories, shopping malls, public transport, Banks, Small and large businesses, Etc.

“We are delighted to welcome Tecnitrán as a Platinum installer of Armatura in Spain”, Says Noemi Dacal, Managing Director of ZKTeco Iberia. “Their experience, Commitment to excellence and consolidated presence in the country, make them the ideal partner for the distribution of Armatura's access control solutions”.

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By • 25 Apr, 2024
• Section: Access control, Business